Serving the Diocese of Palm Beach … and Beyond

Sowing the Seeds of Faith!

Searchlight Virtual School Policies & Procedures

Note: The information, software, and print materials contained on the Searchlight Virtual School web site or sent to enrolled students are the property of Ocean East Publishing and the Searchlight Virtual School. Materials are intended for individual use only. Downloading, duplicating, or distributing materials for any other use is prohibited.

Please read the information provided in this web site. It is meant to guide you through the training process.

  • The Adobe Acrobat Reader: The Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to open and interact with the electronic forms and course materials. Even if you already have the Acrobat Reader, upgrade to the most current version. It is a free download from
  • In order to earn certification, all students must complete the enrollment process. The enrollment process includes submitting an Enrollment Application and paying the $5 Processing Fee. When the enrollment process is complete, an enrolled student may purchase a Searchlight Subscription Plan.
  • The content for the courses is delivered online, but each course requires completing a set of questions and reflections. After purchasing the appropriate subscription plan, the course materials are sent as an e-mail attachment. This attachment is an electronic PDF with interactive text fields. Materials for all required courses in a level are included in the one PDF. Enter all answers and reflections into this PDF document. This completed document must be submitted to the Searchlight Virtual School to receive credit.
  • Each program (Basic or Intermediate for catechists, Foundation Certificate or Level 1 for Catholic school teachers) can be completed comfortably within a few months. Students desiring to complete the course requirements within a shorter timeframe may elect to do so. Some students have completed the courses in a few weeks when facing a deadline. The subscription is valid for one year.
  • Mobile Devices: The content for the courses (online tutorials) is accessible on mobile devices. The interactive PDFs that correspond to each level of courses do not function on mobile platforms. To use the electronic PDFs on mobile devices, obtain the free Adobe Fill & Sign App.
  • It is at the discretion of the Pastor or Principal to reimburse the catechist or teacher for the annual subscription. Please discuss this issue with your PCL or Parish Catechetical Leader (i.e. Director of Religious Education, Coordinator of Youth Ministry,  etc.) or Principal prior to enrolling.
  • Those who have secured approval for parish or school reimbursement should print their subscription receipt and submit it to their supervisor as proof of payment. Some parish leaders or Principals may require proof of completion before reimbursement is forthcoming.
  • Enrolled Searchlight Virtual School students will receive the certification certificate after the course materials have been submitted and accepted by the Searchlight Virtual School. Certificates are issued by the Diocese of Palm Beach.
  • Note: If you are participating in the Searchlight Virtual School by the recommendation of a diocese other than the Diocese of Palm Beach and your diocese is an official diocesan affiliate, your certificates of completion and certification may be issued through your own diocese.

We maintain a 48 hour response policy (excluding weekends). If you complete the enrollment process, order a subscription, or submit completed work and do not hear back from us within a 48 hour timeframe, please get in touch. We may not have received your enrollment items, subscription order, or submitted course work. Go to the Contact page for contact information.

The Searchlight Virtual School is a Division of Ocean East Publishing.

Online Certification for Parish Catechists and Catholic School Teachers, Confirmation Preparation for Adults, and Adult Faith Formation. 

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All rights reserved.

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