School of Christian Formation … Online

Sowing the Seeds of Faith!

The Enrollment Process and Application

There are two parts to the enrollment process: Submitting the Enrollment Application and paying the $5 Processing Fee. When both are complete, you will receive an e-mail confirming your enrollment, assigning your student number, and providing instructions for getting started with your online courses. This enrollment confirmation is separate from the PayPal receipt. Please read the section below about the enrollment procedures.

First, submit the enrollment application:

  • Use the to the button below to open the online Enrollment Application. Then, fill it out and submit.
  • A copy of your enrollment application will be sent to your e-mail address. Save a copy for your records.
  • NOTE: The application will open in a separate browser window. Thus, this page will still be open in a separate tab. After submitting the application, come back to this page and submit the $5 Processing Fee. The enrollment process can't proceed until you do.

Second, pay the $5 Processing Fee:

For questions or assistance:

Michelle Willis, Director  •  E-mail

Phone: 772-563-9457

Enter Phone Number Below

Open the Enrollment Application

Note: The $5 Processing Fee is a one-time payment only. It is paid upon initial enrollment. Do not pay this fee twice.

Enrollment Procedures:

  • The processing fee is paid electronically through PayPal. (If you have difficulty using PayPal, get in touch with us directly. Go to the "Contact" Page to access contact information.)
  • You may log in to an existing PayPal account or choose to pay with a credit card. (No account set-up needed.)
  • If you do choose to set up a PayPal account, you will be asked to create a username and password. Please make note of these, as you will need to log in to your account to purchase your SCF courses.
  • PayPal will walk you through the payment procedure and process your fee payment.
  • PayPal will send you an e-mail confirming your payment.  (You should print this for your records.)
  • When we receive both your enrollment application and notification that the processing fee has been paid, you will receive an e-mail confirming your enrollment. This e-mail is separate from your receipt from PayPal. In it you will receive your student number and further instructions to help you get started with your online courses.
  • Important: The charge on your credit card will be to Ocean East Publishing. All or part of that company name may appear on your bill. The Searchlight Virtual School is a division of Ocean East Publishing. Please do not instigate a "charge back" to your credit card because you do not see "Searchlight Virtual School" on your bill.

The Searchlight Virtual School is a Division of Ocean East Publishing.

Online Certification for Parish Catechists and Catholic School Teachers, Confirmation Preparation for Adults, and Adult Faith Formation.

© 2023 Ocean East Publishing

All rights reserved.

Phone: 772-563-9457   •   E-mail:

Phone: 772-563-9457   •   E-mail: