Sowing the Seeds of Faith!
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Introduction to the Bible
Old and New Testament
History of the Church
Liturgy and Sacraments
Vatican II
Catholic Social Doctrine
Pastoral Ministry
The Searchlight Virtual School does not provide or distribute the texts associated with the courses. Each participant is responsible for obtaining the text. Texts can be ordered online or by special order through a local book store.
Diocese of Palm Beach Participants: Those who have earned Basic/Intermediate or Foundation/Level 1 Certification through the Searchlight Virtual School automatically receive credit for this course when they enter the School of Christian Formation.
Course Description: This course develops the principle that the Second Vatican Council remains the fundamental event in the life of the contemporary Church and is the constant reference point for pastoral action. This course will:
Course Requirements:
Required Text:
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Vatican II Today
Calling Catholics to Holiness and Service
Edited by Judy Ball and Joan McKamey
St. Anthony Messenger Press
Purchase Text Online
for $10.88 from
Course Description: This course emphasizes that the Christian moral life begins with the experience that we are loved by God in an unimaginable, unfathomable way and that living faithfully is our attempt to respond to the gift of that love. This course will help students:
Course Requirements:
Required Text:
Christian Morality:
In the Breath of God
Russell B. Conners, Jr., Ph.D.
Loyola Press
Purchase Text Online:
List Price: $7.95
The Searchlight Virtual School does not provide or distribute the texts associated with the courses. Each participant is responsible for obtaining the text. Texts can be ordered online or by special order through a local book store.
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Discerning the Voice of the Good Shepherd
By Michelle Willis (Based on: The Way of the Lord Jesus Volume 1- Christian Moral Principles by Germain Grisez
The Ten Commandments: Sounds of Love From Sinai
By Alfred McBride, O.Praem.
Who Will Be Saved? What Catholics Believe About Salvation
By Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M.
Catholic Social Doctrine — $30
Diocese of Palm Beach Participants: Those who have earned Basic/Intermediate or Foundation/Level 1 Certification through the Searchlight Virtual School automatically receive credit for this course when they enter the School of Christian Formation.
Course Description: This course stresses that “to work for social justice is embedded in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, who came ‘to bring good tidings to the poor ... liberty to captives ... and recovery of sight to the blind’” (NDC #42-C). This course will:
Course Requirements:
The Searchlight Virtual School does not provide or distribute the texts associated with the courses. Each participant is responsible for obtaining the text. Texts can be ordered online or by special order through a local book store.
Required Text:
A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching
Kevin E. McKenna
Ave Maria Press
Purchase Text Online:
List Price $13.95
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Building A Culture of Life - The Church's Social Teachings
A Six-Step Tutorial
Theological Advisor: Rev. John D'Mello, Ph.D., S.T.L.
Course Description: The history of the Church is the story of faith handed on, of how fallible human people have struggled to live out the Gospel in the very concrete circumstances of their lives for two thousand years. This course will help students:
Course Requirements:
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Online Tutorial Links:
Christian Spirituality: Themes from the Tradition
By Lawrence S. Cunningham
and Keith J. Egan
Paulist Press
Purchase Text Online:
List Price: $16.95
A nine-part tutorial based on the book:
Six Keys to a Deeper Spiritual Life
By Therese Cirner
Used with the permission of the author.
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The Searchlight Virtual School does not provide or distribute the texts associated with the courses. Each participant is responsible for obtaining the text. Texts can be ordered online or by special order through a local book store.
Course Description: This course provides an overview of lay ecclesial ministry situated within the social and ecclesial environment and within the framework of the Church's belief, teaching, and pastoral practice. This course:
Course Requirements:
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Online Tutorial Links:
Forward in Hope
Saying AMEN to Lay Ecclesial Ministry
Bishop Matthew H. Clark
Ave Maria Press
Purchase Text Online:
List Price: $11.95
The Searchlight Virtual School does not provide or distribute the texts associated with the courses. Each participant is responsible for obtaining the text. Texts can be ordered online or by special order through a local book store.
Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord
A Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry
A Statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Co-Workers Tutorial 1: Describing and Responding to New Realities
Co-Workers Tutorial 2: Understanding the Realities in Light of Theology and Church Teaching
Excerpts from Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord Copyright © 2005, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder.
If you would like to obtain the entire Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord document, use this link:
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Online Certification for Parish Catechists and Catholic School Teachers, Confirmation Preparation for Adults, and Adult Faith Formation.
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