Serving the Diocese of Palm Beach … and Beyond
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Flexibility: Online training is flexible and easy to manage, even for those with demanding family and work schedules.
Convenience: Individuals can enroll and complete their online training from home. This is especially helpful when distance prohibits easy access to certification training sessions.
Availability: Students can log on and access their courses after work or school, after social activities, during a lunch break, on the weekends, or at night when the kids are in bed. The online tutorials are available 24/7.
Consistency: Online training provides a consistent message across the board and eliminates gaps in catechist training and faith formation.
Year-round Enrollment: New recruits can enroll and begin their online training at any time of the catechetical year -- at the beginning, middle, end, or during the summer.
If you have any questions or just want to explore your options, feel free to contact the Searchlight Virtual School Director or the Director of the Office of Catechetical Leadership, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Formation, Diocese of Palm Beach prior to submitting an application. We welcome your questions.
Searchlight Virtual School Contact:
Michelle Willis, Director
Phone: (772) 563-9457
Less Hassle: By using the Searchlight Virtual School for catechist training, parish catechetical leaders are freed up from lengthy training sessions.
More Options: Online training can also provide an optional venue for those unable to attend catechist certification classes.
Cost Effective: The Searchlight Virtual School is an inexpensive and economical way for dioceses and parishes to provide online catechist certification and faith formation without having to develop it themselves.
Minimal Student Fees: Individual enrollees pay only an average of $10 to $30 per course.
Active Learning: Our interactive programs use audio and on-screen visual learning techniques which actively engage students in the learning process.
Download the Goals and Objectives for the Basic and Intermediate Catechist Certification Courses.
Download the Goals and Objectives for the School of Christian Formation Courses. These courses are required for Advanced Catechist Certification.
User Friendly: Our electronic course materials are easy to download and ready to use.
Service: The Searchlight Virtual School does all the work. We assess the course work and send you the results. Quick and easy!
Support: Our staff is available to assist participants in a timely manner by e-mail or phone.
Allowances: Permits individuals of a participating diocese to make use of all of the Searchlight Virtual School's web-based instructional programs. Upon enrollment, students can be certain that the investment of their time and effort will be formally recognized by their own diocese.
Note: Individual enrollees from a participating diocese are subject to the school's fees, policies, and practices as outlined on the Searchlight Virtual School's web site.
Record Keeping: The participating diocese maintains records of course completion and certification through its appropriate diocesan office.
A records coordinator is designated and receives documentation for course completion and certification directly from the Searchlight Virtual School.
Documentation: The Searchlight Virtual School reviews and documents all completed course work to the participating diocese.
Certificates: The participating diocese issues all certificates for course completion and certification.
One Time Fee: Upon enrollment as a diocesan affiliate, this one time fee is due.
Promotion: It is the responsibility of the participating diocese to inform its parish catechetical leaders and others about the Searchlight Virtual School and the online options that diocesan participation makes possible.
Note: Dioceses and parishes are welcome to access and use the electronic printouts of the Goals and Objectives for Basic and Intermediate Catechist Certification, as well as for the School of Christian Formation, which is for Advanced Catechist Certification and Lay Ministry Formation.
Payment Method: Electronic Invoice - Print the invoice sent by the Searchlight Virtual School and pay by check.
To Initiate a Diocesan Participation Plan:
• Download the Diocesan Participation Plan Enrollment Application by clicking on the “Diocesan Enrollment Application” button above.
• An electronic form will open. Fill out the form and save it to your local computer.
• The form may also be printed and filled out by hand.
• Be certain that all the requested diocesan contact information is complete before submitting.
• To submit the Enrollment Form electronically: Attach the completed and saved form to an e-mail. Send to:
• To submit the Enrollment Form by mail: Print the form, fill it out, and mail it to Searchlight Virtual School, P.O. Box 690295, Vero Beach, FL 32969.
• When the enrollment form is received, the Searchlight Virtual School Director will contact by phone the person designated on the Enrollment Form as the “Diocesan Contact.”
• Details of the Diocesan Participation Plan as it applies to a particular diocese will be discussed and finalized at this time, including payment options and methods.
To pay for a Diocesan Participation Plan by electronic invoice and check, follow these steps:
Once the terms of the participation plan have been agreed upon, an electronic invoice will be sent to the e-mail address of the "Diocesan Contact."
• Print the invoice.
• Submit it to your finance department.
• Send a check for the appropriate amount to:
Searchlight Virtual School
P.O. Box 690295
Vero Beach, FL 32969
Online Certification for Parish Catechists and Catholic School Teachers, Confirmation Preparation for Adults, and Adult Faith Formation.
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