School of Christian Formation … Online

Sowing the Seeds of Faith!

School of Christian Formation Online Policies

Important: The information, software, and print materials contained on the Searchlight Virtual School web site or sent to enrolled students are the property of Ocean East Publishing and the Searchlight Virtual School. Materials are intended for individual use only. Downloading, duplicating, or distributing materials for any other use is prohibited.

Please read the information provided in this web site. It is meant to guide you through the training process.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader: The Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to open and interact with the electronic forms and course materials. Even if you already have the Acrobat Reader, please upgrade to the most current version. It is a free download from
  • In order to earn credit, all students must complete the enrollment process. The enrollment process includes submitting an Enrollment Application and paying the $5 Processing Fee. When the enrollment process is complete, an enrolled student may purchase courses. You will receive a copy of your enrollment application and a receipt from PayPal for the fee payment.
  • Following the enrollment process, an enrollment  confirmation will be sent via e-mail. This confirmation e-mail is different from the receipt you receive from PayPal. Please wait for this confirmation e-mail before ordering a course. In it you will be given your Student Number. You need this number when ordering courses.
  • Notification: Notification of enrollment by those enrollees residing in the Diocese of Palm Beach or residing in a diocese that does not have an official participation agreement with us will be sent to the School of Christian Formation Office for the Diocese of Palm Beach.
  • Courses are ordered and paid for online through PayPal. Course fee: $30. (Does not include the cost of the required text.)
  • When payment notification is received by the Searchlight Virtual School, the appropriate course PDF is sent as an attachment to the e-mail address on file. The e-mail also contains instructions for downloading and saving the electronic PDF. PLEASE read and follow these important instructions.
  • Keep Records: For your own protection, please retain a copy of everything we send to you and you send to us.
  • Please review the requirements for each course. To receive credit for an online course, all requirements must be met within a 3-4 month time frame, depending on the course.  The preferred method of submission is electronically. Please attach your completed document to an e-mail to submit it for review. See the contact page.
  • Each course consists of two components: An online component and a text component. Online content is delivered through “online tutorials.” These are accessible on desktop computers and mobile devices 24/7. SCF participants are required to obtain the course texts. The Searchlight Virtual School does not supply the texts. Texts can be ordered online or through a local bookstore.
  • The electronic PDFs (forms) that are sent for each course have text fields into which all answers to questions, as well as reflections, must be entered. These electronic PDFs are not supported on mobile devices and must be used on a computer for them to work correctly. If you want to fill in your answers and reflections on a mobile device, obtain the free Adobe Fill & Sign App. 
  • You also have the option of printing the PDF and completing it by hand. If you do this, you will have to submit the completed work through the mail. Go to the contact page for the mailing address. Hand written documents are more difficult to review than typed ones, so please make every effort to keep your written work neat and legible.
  • It is at the discretion of the Pastor or Principal to reimburse the catechist or teacher for course fees. They are under no obligation to do so. Please discuss this issue with your PCL or Parish Catechetical Leader (i.e. Director of Religious Education, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, etc.) or your school’s principal prior to enrolling.
  • Save Receipts: For those who secure approval for parish or school reimbursement, please print your course fee receipts and submit them to your supervisor as proof of payment. Some parish leaders and principals may also require proof of completion before reimbursement is forthcoming.
  • Course completion documentation forms are submitted by the Searchlight Virtual School to the appropriate diocese. A copy is also sent to you. Your copy should be kept on file for future reference. 
  • Other Dioceses: Dioceses with an official Participation Plan may issue your certificates of completion and certification through their own diocesan channels.

We maintain a 48 hour response policy (excluding weekends). If you complete the enrollment process, order a course, or submit completed work and do not hear back from us within a 48 hour timeframe, please get in touch. We may not have received your enrollment items, course order, or submitted course work. Go to the Contact page for contact information.

The Searchlight Virtual School is a Division of Ocean East Publishing.

Online Certification for Parish Catechists and Catholic School Teachers, Confirmation Preparation for Adults, and Adult Faith Formation. 

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